
June 06 2023All approvals and agreements for the construction of the biogas plant have been obtained

February 07, 2023The photovoltaic system started producing electricity

January 2nd 2023Start for the installation of the photovoltaic system on the roofs of the building from ULST campus

December 5th 2022Signing the execution contract for the photovoltaic system

May 27, 2022: Workshop and launch event of the project supported by Norway through Norway Grants, within the "Energy Program in Romania". Established project acronym: RES-CIRCULAR, project logo published on the project website

April - May 2022: Procedure for procuring the service for communication activities

April 21, 2022: Issued town planning certificate

January 25, 2022: Signing the contract for the elaboration of technical-economic and legal documents. administrative documentation as well as technical assistance within the project

June - December 2021: Procedure report, analysis, simplification of procedures, re- publication of the documentation for the three attempts to purchase services for technical project and technical assistance

June 8, 2021: Feasibility study issued

April - May 2021: Delivery of information and documents necessary for the issuance of the feasibility study

February - March 2021: Service procurement procedure for feasibility study

January - February 2021: Contracting consultancy for procurement procedures

21.12.2020Grant signed between BUASVM and Norway Grants

September - December 2019: Re-negotiating partnerships in the project, assuming the entire responsibility of the project by one partner: BUASVM “King Mihai I of Romania” from Timișoara

April - September 2019: Clarifications and communications for the remodeling of the project as indicated by Innovation Norway

February-March 2019: Drafting the project proposal, clarifications and communications in order to reshape the project, as indicated by Innovation Norway


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